Saturday 23 March 2013

How To Evaluate Your Keyword Opposition

The existence of your online business depends highly on the quantity of potential clients you are able to generate.

Producing leads is not a haphazard activity. It's something you formulate and implement with intensity based on your search engine optimsation strategy.

Part of that campaign entails the very necessary activity of working out who your competitors are.

To do this efficiently, you choose to get the hang of:
  1. The traits of competition
  2. The two most significant considerations of competition
  3. How to estimate the competition in your niche employing a reliable Keyword Analysis Tool
Once you get the hang of these 3 primary factors, you are well on your way to targeting keywords that will bear glorious results.

Let's expand on each one them

1. The traits of competition

One of the best ways to generate leads to your home based business is to obtain a ranking on page 1 of Google.

Why is page 1 of Google so imperative?

Well, 90% of all potential clients achieved for any keyword is set aside to the 1st page, with the number one ranked website getting 42% potential clients.

Page 1 is good, but number 1 on page 1 is Gold!

Page 1 has space for 10 listings only.

If there are only 10 sites that can obtain 90% of the potential clients, do you realize what an assignment it can be to get past the "crowd" of websites and feature on page 1?

Often, that "crowd" consists of millions of websites.

Getting ahead of the crowd into the 'VIP' class is incredibly important.

In terms of keywords, 'VIP' means nothing less than a listing on page 1!

2. The two most significant considerations of competition

When I first started out on the internet, I would check the standard of a site according to its design. In other words the 'look and feel' interested me the most.

As a result, I always saw beautifully designed websites with flash and media as killer, profitable websites.

How wrong I was.

I am not for one second discounting a good design, look and feel for your home based business. But, I am turning the spotlight on the influence of "not so obvious" aspects of a home based business that are vital to your success.

And so I began to ask: "what exactly should one look for when you analyse your competition?"

The first aspect is the volume of competition.

Some keywords have a lot of websites competing for that 'VIP', 1st page on Google whilst others have very little websites competing for them.

The second, and more important, is the intensity of that competition.

These two factors will help you to prevent being deceived whenever you analyse opposition.

What do I mean by "deceived"?

Some keywords might have low volume of competitors, but have extremely weighty opposition.

Suppose a keyword you are targeting has 50 competitors as opposed to 6 million. However, if the first 10 websites are formidable competitors, it won't be worth your while to aim for that keyword.

Whilst the amount of contention is a straight forward number count, analysing the intensity or strength of the competition entails an evaluation of a number of "Off Page" and "On Page" SEO aspects.

Off Page SEO factors:

Domain Age (age of the site)
Page Rank of the site (indicates reputation)
Number of page backlinks
Index Count (number of pages on the domain indexed by Bing)
Number of links pointing to a blog from Government (.gov) or Educational (.edu) sources
Yahoo Directory (whether the site is listed in the Yahoo Directory or not)

On Page SEO factors:

Is the keyword in the title of the page
Is the keyword n the url
Is the keyword in the description tag

It's quite certain in one's mind that analysing the intensity of the competition is a complicated routine.

Rather devote some time upfront carrying out the imperative analysis than go in blindly and devote your effort, time and energy on keywords that are almost impossible to rank for.

3. How to estimate the competition in your niche employing a reliable Keyword Analysis Tool

Analysing your competition may seem like a dejecting assignment.

In fact it can be.

Carrying out proper keyword analysis and competition evaluation requires you to go through the process every time you compose content.

In my Free E-Course on how to build an internet business, I highlight the importance of broadcasting content on a regular (minimum once a week) basis.

As a result, you'd have to do this type of evaluation every week for every editorial you intend publishing.

Sounds like a crazy load of work right?

Well, it is - that's if you need to do it manually.

Personally, I use a google keyword estimator to analyse my keyword contention.

It's a really cool and user-friendly tool. In a matter of minutes, I can pick out a keyword I plan targeting and make out how many webpages mention that keyword in the same word order.

More importantly, I can create tons of keywords that are similar to the one I intend targeting.

I can then arrange a filter that allows me to select keywords that have low competition.

I then am able to hand pick keywords with least opposition and analyse the intensity of the competition.

I then base the content that I publish on keywords that I know have moderate and weak competition so I can rank on page 1 of Google.

Thursday 28 June 2012

5 Shocking Realities About Creating Passive Income Online

I receive tons of e-mails everyday promising me all sorts of crazy miracles.

From: “Earn $5 000 in 2 hours” to “Make $15 000p/m in 3 easy steps”, it all seems like a competition on how can spend the most bulls*it e-mail!

Now, I can tell you this much – unethical marketers who are out there to scam you, have done their research.

They know that most people want quick solutions. So, if they can sell enough hype to enough people, they’ll make their cash.

Whilst it is possible to generate such crazy amounts online, it only happens after you’ve been online for a while and have build a large, credible reputation. 

None of this ‘do it in a month’ rubbish will help you!

I want to give you some great facts about creating a passive income online and hopefully help you to:
             Make more informed decisions
             Avoid falling prey to the hype and miracle promises
             Avoid wasting your money on crappy products 

Shocking Reality #1: Don’t make the money a priority...

Let the cash be a bi-product of your efforts. 

It’s a mission to build anything of substance in the absence of passion.
In article by Jon Morrow titled: “Stephen King’s 20 Tips for Becoming a Frighteningly Good Writer”, he includes the following quote from Stephen:

“Writing isn’t about making money, getting famous, getting dates, getting laid, or making friends. In the end, it’s about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life as well”

Stephen King has published over 49 novels and earns approximately $40 million per year from writing.
Make money a priority and you will never get around to creating a long-lasting passive income business Online.

Shocking Reality #2: Work your ass off...

There are no free rides on the internet. If you want to learn how to create passive income online, you have to work hard.

Unless you’ve inherited some serious cash, building a career online is going to require you to work your ass off.

Building that asset that will generate the passive income will need you to invest a lot of time.

You are going to spend long hours:
  •  Planning
  • Deciding which market you want to target
  • Researching how you are going to market yourself
  • Reading tons of content to keep abreast
  • Creating content (articles, movies, etc)
  • Facing challenges all sorts of challenges
Be prepared to work your ass off! It will be well worth it.

Shocking Reality #3: You need to get out of your comfort zone...

There’s so much to learn about online business, particularly the technology behind any online business. If you are not comfortable learning new things, then forget about creating a passive income online.

Whilst you can outsource and even use software that reduces the manual labour, the reality is that you should only be outsourcing and using software to fast track what you already know and have applied. 

Unless you have been through the application process yourself, outsourcing will simply waste you a lot of money because you won’t really know what to outsource and what end products to expect to expect from those you have outsourced to.

You need to be willing to spend a lot of time just learning the ins, outs and behind the scenes of online businesses so you can avoid making dumb mistakes online as you create passive income online.

Shocking Fact #4: Very few are Marketers are Millionaires...

At least 50% of the e-mails I get from web promoters suggest in some way or another that earning millions of revenue is the norm. 

Honestly, this is nonsense. 

Whilst many never become millionaires, a good number of online marketers make a decent living.

Becoming a millionaire is a bonus!  

Shocking Reality #5: Expect to fail a couple of times...

Yep! This is the shocking truth. 

You will probably face a few stop starts. The reality is that there are very few ethical marketers who will teach the correct way of creating a passive income. 

Instead they will sell you hype. And because most people want over-night success they fall for such hype. In the process you learn all the wrong strategies that yield nothing but unnecessary purchases of useless products. 

In some cases you learn nothing! 

If you are fortunate, you might come across a few ethical marketers who will teach you the correct (often much longer) way of creating a passive income. To avoid failure, apply everything they teach you and be patient.

Failure is never failure unless you give up. Embrace it, learn from it and you’ll start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

What exactly is the hype around creating a passive income online if all seems to be doom and gloom?

Firstly, an internet business gives you an opportunity to explore areas of interest in a profitable way.
It’s sad to see how many people work a job they do not like for years and then one day quit so that they can start looking for what they really love. 

Secondly, an internet business allows you to one day wake up and completely rid yourself from the crazy hassle:
             Crazy traffic every day
             An irritating boss
             Long hours at work
             Stress from outrageous clients
             Limited time with family and kids
             Unfair remuneration for your effort at work
             Working a job you hate

Get my drift? 

All the above advantages are priceless!

Creating Passive Income Online is extremely liberating!

If you are ready to learn all the ins and outs, you can get started on my 14 Part E-Course titled "How To Create A Passive Income Business Online" in 14 Days"

Monday 18 June 2012

8 Online Marketing Mistakes That Make You Look Dumb

If you are serious about studying how to create additional earnings on the internet, I’m very sure you have considered whether your Online Marketing business has some obvious faults that tarnish your goals and make you look absurd.

If you are new to Online Marketing, you might drop prey to these primary faults because you have not learned the primary concepts. But, you might very well be an established Online Marketer who has been on the internet for a period and have become good at doing the wrong things.

Ever come across those experienced employees at work?

The kind that have been in the market for 2 or 3 decades?

They are experienced because of the period they have been working and not actually because they are amazing at their job. The thing about experience is that you can learn the incorrect methods, exercises and gradually become experienced at doing the incorrect things.

In this article, I would like to help you to prevent creating these faults, regardless of whether you are new to Online Marketing or are ‘experienced’.  

Dumb Error #1: The incorrect domain name 

Having a domain name that explains what your website is about goes a lengthy way. Unless you are a founded brand: Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson, Bill Gates, etc or have a huge (10 000 and above) social media following in your skills – you never want to use your domain name.

I went down this road at some point and observed that it was not the most sensible thing to do. Since my weblog is about “Create Passive Income Online”, would or attract your attention at all if you were looking for additional earnings ideas?

I doubt it!  

Dumb Error #2: Not having a ‘Title Tag’ for your blog 

Your name tag is very essential for your website. It gives Google and individuals a solid idea of what your website is all about. Most weblog business owners never give their weblogs a title (largely because they never know that they need to). A lot of weblog business owners have headings that are not illustrative. It’s recommended to name your weblog by using search terms that you want to target.

Here is an example:

I focus on the search terms "How To Create Passive ncome Online" and I have ensured that my name tag reveals such.  

Dumb Error #3: Ignoring to develop an e-mail list 

Building an e-mail database is an essential activity. You usually cannot create an internet organization and not have an optin form that allows you to develop a client list.

It is said that an efficient internet organization creates $1 monthly from each and every e-mail client. For someone like Pat Flynn at, who has a database of more than 50 000, what this implies is frequent earnings of roughly $50 000 p/m.

In his monthly activity reports, he reveals that there is nothing more true!  

Dumb Error #4: Purchasing a third party e-mail list

Building an e-mail database is essential as I’ve described above. But buying a list from another organization is one of the dumbest things you can do. Nothing damages the popularity of your weblog faster than publishing unhealthy e-mails to individuals who have not requested it. You might create some quick bucks, but it’s not a maintainable strategy.  

Dumb Error #5: Inbound hyperlinks that never work 

A weblog that constantly reveals ugly “404 pages” is a fast way to get rid of popularity with your guests. It’s essential to having inter-links between your content. But, it’s more essential to ensure that your backlinks function properly.  

Dumb Error #6: Punctuation and Grammar errors

You are in the business of writing! That is how you are going to produce your additional earnings going ahead. So you best begin verifying your punctuation and phrase structure. A lot of your guests (at least the once you would like to see come back to your blog) are eduacted. The least you can do is display respect to them by verifying your punctuation and phrase structure before you publish your website content.

Ultimately, it’s not your prospective customer's duty to try and determine what you are trying to communicate. It’s your job to ensure they know exactly what you are saying.  

Dumb Error #7: E-mail overload 

Sending you e-mail contacts ‘buy this’ e-mails constantly will soon annoy them. They will either delete your e-mails or remove themselves from yourself contact list. If you are publishing useful details, by all means publish those e-mails often.

Honestly, only the top weblogs such as Copyblogger can accomplish this effectively. I get e-mails from Copyblogger daily and these are all fantastic e-mails that offer great content. For a lot of weblog business owners, once or twice a weeks is more than enough.  

Dumb Error #8: Not having a Call-to-Action

You need to have obvious goals when you publish content for your website. Spending a lot of time composing and producing written and audio-visual content without an obvious ‘call-to-action’ plan is a really absurd thing to do.

Whether you want individuals to buy an item you are promoting, sign up to your e-mail database, offer you views, etc – the truth is you should contain this ‘call-to-action’ in your content and tell your guests exactly what you want them to do after reading your content.

To create additional earnings on the internet needs you to get the basics right. Don't neglect them!  

So, how can you prevent creating these absurd mistakes? 

If you have identified any of the above absurd faults as one of yours, I would like to help you to fix any of them. You might be new to online marketing and need to begin from the scratch. Perhaps you have been on the internet for a while and simply need to improve your weblog, I would like you to check out my ‘Where To Start’ page where you can understand “How to Create A Passive Income Business Online in 14 Days”.

This is a “Do It Yourself” e-course that will explain to you all the primary concepts so you can begin to develop an impressive internet organization. I really wish you have experienced this brief content.

God Bless

Peteni Kuzwayo